2nd Year Biology Notes Chapter 23
2nd Year Biology Chapter 23
We are going to share with you the notes for different classes as mention above just for the help of our students, so that they can perform best in exams and in the near future, they can become good citizen of our society and take part in the development of our country. Would you like to read the notes or you can download them into your computer for offline learning. Students should take keen interest in study because they are the future of our country. See Below:-
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1st Year Biology Complete Chapters Notes
Note: Training of young employees in the enterprise: gadgets and virtual applications Electronic and distance learning are the same? Articles and books on the organization of e-learning often equate this learning with distance education. These two types of training have common characteristics, but, nevertheless, the West gives an exhaustive explanation of their differences. In universities around the world, e-learning is not always used in distance education technologies, and distance learning is not necessarily electronic. That is, those who study remotely can do this with e-learning, or without it. In the USA, according to the Ministry of Education, more than 85% of students used e-learning in 2002, but only 7.6% of them studied some subjects remotely, and only 2.2% had full-fledged distance education. For a comfortable, clear and coordinated interaction between those who supply and those who purchase educational services, one must understand what is remote and electronic training, and what are their differences. Distinctive features and parameters of each type of training will influence the evaluation of options, the choice of the most effective form, to make the right decision. Distance learning is characterized primarily by the fact that the teacher and student are separated from each other.