1st Year Parsi Guess Paper 2021 all Punjab Boards
1st Year Parsi/Persian Guess Paper
11th Class Persian Guess
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Note: Determination through self-control of the quality of mastering new knowledge, problem moments, determination of subsequent educational tasks in connection with this, gives the future engineer the opportunity to build the next cycle of self-education more consciously. Important in self-educational activities and energy component, which includes both volitional and emotional side of the activity. Self-education is always carried out with a high level of activity of cognitive, strong-willed and emotional forces. Self-education is characterized by the presence of active cognitive needs and interests, an effective inner motivation of the individual to their satisfaction, the manifestation of significant willful efforts for this, a high degree of consciousness and organization. In the process of self-learning, a person is both a subject and an object of activity, which determines the structural components of this activity. To components of self-education, it is possible to carry: own goal-setting; internal need for self-learning, self-organization of cognitive activity.