1st Year Islamiat Guess Paper 2021 all Punjab Boards
1st Year Islamiat Guess Paper
11th Class Islamiat Compulsory Guess
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1st Year Islamiat Guess Paper 2020, Inter Part 1 Islamiat Guess Paper 2020, 11th Class Islamiat Guess Paper 2020, Islamiat Guess Paper Inter Part 1
Note: This is especially important for representatives of the public sector professions, where the in-service training system remains cumbersome and does not focus on the diversity of the needs of specific specialists. Personalized systems for the financing of professional development will allow organizations to flexibly orient themselves with regard to the diversity of the needs of citizens in obtaining social services. At every historical stage of the development of society, the problem of self-education has been and remains relevant. The transition to an information society marked the problem of the formation of a new education paradigm, characterized by the redistribution of emphasis from educational activity to self-education. It is necessary to distinguish such concepts as “independent work”, “self-education” and “self-education”. Education is the process of man’s formation of himself through knowledge. The basic paradox of education is that it always acts as a self-education, because “The person can create himself” only himself. “Education should be distinguished from training, whose task is to give people useful skills for their own reproduction, and education, the essence of which is to empower people with the ability to serve society.