1st Year Education Guess Paper 2021 All Punjab Boards
1st Year Education Guess Paper 2021
11st Class Education Guess
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1st Year Education Guess Paper 2020, Inter Part 1 Education Guess Paper 2020, 11th Class Education Guess Paper 2020, Education Guess Paper Inter Part 1
Note: Self-education is also inherent in the following dominant characteristics: 1. Self-education can take place only on the basis of deep perspective internal motives; individual cases of seeking answers to questions of interest to a person under the influence of any motives can’t yet be considered self-education; acquisition of knowledge as an additional cognitive activity. Self-education proceeds on the basis of self-activity of the individual in accordance with its individual characteristics, its purpose is to expand knowledge in one or more areas of knowledge and personal self-improvement based on self-control; mastering knowledge on their own initiative, Self-education is carried out without detailed guidance from outside; individual independent cognitive activity in mastering knowledge. In the process of self-education, the motivational side is very clearly traced. Awareness of oneself as a person, the definition of life plans are the main motivating motives for self-education. Directly related to this is the goal-setting component. For self-education, its procedural aspect is especially significant. The ability of a student to carry out independent cognitive activity determines its functioning. No less important is the self-organization of the process of cognition: the choice of work methods, time planning, self-control.