10th Matric Class Urdu Guess Paper 2021
10th Matric Urdu Guess
Guess 10th Urdu Khulasa
- Prestan ki shahzadi,
- (Asbaaq) Merza saeed,
- Mulama,
- Nam deo mali,
- chughal khor,
- Astanbol
Tefheemi ebaret
- 1,3,6,7,8,9,14,15.
Chapter for kholasa
- 5,8,9,11,
Complete Urdu Guess Papers for 9th
Education financing
In recent years, the volume of state funding for the development of education has been constantly increasing. In the whole country, it is forecasted to allocate about 1 trillion from the consolidated budget for these purposes next year. rubles. Given the declining number of students and the number of educational institutions, there is a process of increasing state funding per student and one educational institution.
The question naturally arises - is it a lot or a little? Current legislation does not provide a clear answer. Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Education” states that federal laws in the field of education are direct laws and apply throughout the country.
However, a careful examination of, for example, the Federal Law “On Education” allows us to conclude that in terms of financing education, it is not a law of direct effect. Specific figures (in percent) of state financing are excluded from it. Article 41 “Financing of educational institutions” does not even mention the concept of a “consolidated budget”, its role and importance in financing education, whereas it is only its indicators that are necessary for calculating the state allocations on average per student in the whole country and by type and type educational institutions (regardless of the level of a specific territorial budget).
Legislatively required to regulate the issue of funding standards, and not give it to the mercy of government officials of different levels of government. It is necessary in the law not only to provide that the standards are determined per student, pupil, but specifically indicate what exactly must be included in the norms (and their lower, minimum limits). First of all, one must proceed from the compulsory provision of the accessibility and free education guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 43).
In addition, it is necessary to provide in the standards increasing coefficients, for example, in connection with the training in a given educational institution of a certain number of orphans, children with health problems (such as benefits established by the state for enterprises using labor of a certain number of disabled people), benefits for students studying for individual students plans for food and health events, free medical examination of teachers, inflation, a high-rated educational institution. When rationing, take into account such features as computerization, Internet connection, the use of distance learning, the latest educational technologies. The law should provide for the responsibility of the relevant managers on the fact of understating the funding standards or the actual failure to comply with the approved standards.
It is advisable: to establish financial forecasting for two to three years; protect intellectual property rights; target, rational use and safety of funds; create a system of operational tracking of the entire financing chain from the federal budget to the recipient - an educational institution; to regulate in detail the procedure for attracting and using all types of funds (including currency) from the budget and extra-budgetary sources, participation in this process of financial and industrial business; provide for the preservation of rights and guarantees in case of the planned structural changes in the education system.