Theory of Chromolucis By Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi


Author: Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

Description: Theory of Chromolucis suggests that there is a creator who created the man and the universe with a purpose and that of the whole system of creation, kind and sort; from the waves of the waves to the waves of the waves and from the waves of the waves to the cosmic waves, and these very waves are responsible for the creation of Time and Space, according to the plan and design of the Creator.

Theory of Chromolucis has not only corrected misconceptions in the human mind but also provides a basis for the true knowledge and a viaticum for embracing the Ultimate Reality. It is quite interesting to note that, according to this theory, man, among all the creatures, is the only thing that has been blessed with the ability and faculty of influencing the waves, operative at different tiers of creation.

Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, in the history of the evolution of human thought, for the first time, has come up with the theory that answers many questions, which could not be answered by theories expounded before.

For this contribution, his name would go a very long way in training man’s insight and vision. In his mission to equip man with vision and insight, the august has achieved a remarkable success by expounding the Theory of Chromolucis.

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