Muhabbat Ka Hisar By Nighat Abdullah

Muhabbat Ka Hisar By Nighat Abdullah

The name of the novel is “Muhammad Ka Hisar” Written by Nighat Abdullah. Most beautiful Urdu in the format of the author.


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Reading was always considered passive, non-committal occupation, opposing him to exercise. Slender, smart, athletic people against the calm, quiet and pale admirers of literary art. But this is an erroneous opinion. MRI (magnetic resonance scan) of the brain proved that during the reading the person seems to experience everything on himself, the same areas are activated as he does during sports when he reads about mountain landscapes or sea depths. What is surprising, if you watch TV or, for example, play computer games, this effect is not observed. Only reading can have such an effect on the brain. It is important to learn to read complex books as a child, since this will help the brain to properly build a causal relationship, which is usually present only in good books.

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