Five Ramadan Gifts To This Ummah


Abu Hurayrah that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: “My ummah has been given five special things that were not given to anyone before them. The smell from the mouth of a fasting Muslim in sweeter for Allah ta’ala than the pleasant smell of musk. The fish in the sea. Allah Ta’ala prepares and decorates His special paradise every day and then says (to it): “In this month, the rebellious shayatin are chained, so not so damn, that they normally do not. On the last night of Ramadan, the fasting Muslims are forgiven. “The sahabah thereupon inquired:” O Rasul of Allah, is that night Laylat al-Qadr? Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam replied:

Advice: Five gifts from Allah ta’ala were not granted to the (fasting) People before Islam. If only we could truly appreciate how great this bounty from Allah ta’ala really is, we would sincerely try to gain those special favors.
First, we are told that the smell from the mouth of the fasting person is more like-able for Allah ta’ala than the smell of musk. Experts list eight possible meanings of this. Of these, the three are the most acceptable explanation:
(a) Some are of the opinion that, in the akhirah, Allah ta’ala shall reward that smell from the mouth with pleasing odor more sweet and refreshing than musk (al- Dur al-Manthor).
(b) On the day of qiyamah, when we shall rise from our graves, a sweet smell shall come form the mouths of those who fasted and that shall be better than musk.
(c ) The interpretation that is the most acceptable in my opinion, is the view that is in this very smell is more pleasing for Allah ta’ala than musk. Allah ta’ala and His fasting slaves.

We all know that even a disagreeable smell is from someone who loves truly and sincerely is in itself attractive to the lover, who in this case is Allah ta’ala Himself . What is indicated is the closeness to the Allah ta’ala of the fasting person.

Fasting is one of the most appreciated forms of the worship of Allah ta’ala sight and for this reason a Hadith of states that Allah ta’ala says: “The reward for fasting, I Myself will give, because it is for Me alone. “

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