The Art of Public Speaking By Dale Carnegie

The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnegie Pdf Download

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The art of public speaking by Dale Carnegie and J. Berg. The project of Gutenberg’s book on the art of public speaking. This book is or falls according to the author’s opinion in relation to her subject If the best way to teach yourself or others to speak publicly this is to fill the mind with rules and set fixed standards for Interpreting thoughts, uttering a language, making gestures and everything else, this book will be limited in meaning such wandering ideas on all pages, which can be useful for the reader.

Therefore, it is important that for those who use this volume With an open mind that they need to be clear understand what is a thought that immediately lies and is constructed according to this structure. In simple terms, this is:

Talking to the public Saying this

not a question of external, primitive, it is not a question of imitation – in principle, it’s not a question of compliance with standards – in general. Public speaking – public statement, public issue, the person himself, so the first a thing in time as well as in importing Xie is that a person must be both thinking and
feel things that are worthy of being released. If only there is not something valuable inside, no learning tricks can make out of the speaker anything more than the machine, although a very perfect machine, for the delivery of other masculine products. Thus, self-development is fundamental in our plan.

The Art of Public Speaking By Dale Carnegie

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