6 September Poetry / Shayari in Urdu 2 Lines & in English

6 September Poetry / Shayari

Today our team is going to share with you the 6 September Lines Poetry / Shayari in Urdu & 6 September Lines Poetry / Shayari in English as a text format, because this format is easy to pick and use the poetry as a status. Even you will be able to send to anyone easily. Just copy the poetry stanza & paste it anywhere like SMS / Whatsapp or other kind of status or stories. That’s why we have decided to share the 6 September Lines   Poetry / Shayari in Urdu & 6 September Lines Poetry / Shayari in English as a text format. Poetry is one of the best source to explain your emotions and views to others. In this way, we normally celebrate our little events of joy & happiness and even the memories. So, let’s come to the point that is 6 September Lines Poetry / Shayari in Urdu & 6 September or Defense Day Lines Poetry / Shayari in English.

DilO Main Khalish Hai ,NikalO Isse,

Na Tera ,Na Mera ,Na Iska ,

Na ùska, Ye Sab Ka Watan Hai,Bacha LO Isse.

6 september defence day quotes
6 september defence day quotes

Hùm TO Mit Jain Ge Aae Arz-e-Watan,

Lakin Tùm kO ………………

Zinda Rehna hai qayamat ki sehar hOne tak.


6 september poetry in urdu sms
6 september poetry in urdu sms

Aae Sayad-e-Abrar K Dildaar Sipaahi ,

TOheed-O-Risaalat K Paristaar Sipaahi,

Islam Ki Azmat K Alamdar Sipahi,

Barbadi-e-America K Talabgaar Sipaahi,

ùtth ! QOùm Ki Bigrhi Hùi Taqdeer Bana De,

Her Bacha-e-Mùslim KO Jhangeer Bana De.


6 september poetry in urdu
6 september poetry in urdu

Sir Ta Ba Qadam Qùrbani,

Hùm LOg Hain Pakistani JO Raah Main Hail HOga,

Gùm Kerda-e-Sahil HOga Pùnj Aab Ki Hai Tùghyani,

Hùm LOg Hain Pakistani.


6th September Pakistan Defence Day POetry

> Aaa Dekh, Hain Ranjhe Heer Lahù

Har Ghaat Pe Hai Nakhcheer Lahù

Har Simt Hai Daar 0 Geet Lahù

Zaalim Ki Har Ek Tadbeer Lahù

Pewast Ba Seena Teer Lahù

Tùflaa Keliye Hai Sheer Lahù

HOntOOn Pe Dùa,Taseer Lahù

Hai Likhi Gayi Taqdeer Lahù

Har Bacha Jawan Aùr Peer Lahù

Kashmir Ki Hai Taùqeer Lahù

Har Saaz 0 Wafa Kashmir Lahù

Har Jheel Sifa Kashmir Lahù

WO Kehta Hai Kashmir Lahù

Mai Kehta HOOn Kashmir Lahù

Kashmir Lahù Kashmir Lahù

Kashmir Lahù Kashmir Lahù


6 september poetry
6 september poetry


I dOn’t want my teen age qùeen jùst give me my rifle M-16 If I die in a battle zOne

BOx me ùp & send me hOme

Pùt my rifle On my chest Tell my mOm

I did my best Say my natiOn

nOt tO cry I’m the sOldier bOrn tO die…!

Pakistan Zindabad – Salùte tO Pakistan Army

Jab Tak Na Jalein Deep ShaheedOn Kay LAHù Se

Kehte Hain Kay Jannat Main Chiragaan Nahi HOTA

SALùTE TO All ShOhada Of Pakistan ARMED FOrces


Ye Nafrat Bùri Hai, Na PaalO Isay

DilO Main Khalish Hai, NikalO Isay

Na Tera, Na Mera, Na Iska, Na ùska

Ye Sab Ka Watan Hai, Bacha LO Isay


HùM” ne tO sOOkhi “SHAKHON”

pe khOOn bahaya hy apna Ab bi “PHOOL”

na khilien tO “MùQaDAR” ki baat hy..

Dedicated 2 SHOHADAY-E-Pakistan’


It happens that from the first time the remarks seem to you to be nagging, but then, having cooled down and thinking, you accept them and correct the verse for the better. If no one liked your poem, and you feel that it is good, do not give up - look for your reader. After all, history knows even such sad examples when the work of one or another creator was appreciated after his death. I hope it doesn’t come to that for you. Even one or two people to whom you can show your poems is already great happiness. It is much more difficult to evaluate the work of an artist than the work of, for example, a physicist or a biologist. In science, it is simpler - a theory or invention either works or does not work. If a theorem is proved with an error, it is bad, no matter how elegant its construction. But the perception of works of art strongly depends on the personality of the author, and on the opinion of critics, and on the state of mind of the population, and on the spirit of the era.

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