General Science Guess Paper 9th Class All Punjab Boards
General Science Guess Paper 9th Class 2020
General Science Guess 9th
Islami Chemia Gary,
Jadid Scientists ,
Qurani Ayat,
Zikarya Razi, Ibn ul Haitiam, Dr Munir, Dr Ishfaq,
Botany, Zøology, Geography, Astronomy,
Allotropic and Non Allotropic Forms,
Water, Rare Gases,
Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus Ehmiat, Enzymes,
Genetic Enginering,
Metabolism, Pencilin, Vaccines, Proteins, Vitamins,
Glands,First Aid,
Animal Bite,
Jal Jana, Smal Pox,Measles, Hepatitis, T.B,
Round Worm, Thread Worm,
Jarasim k Phelao,
Dimaghi Bimarian,
Drug, Medicine, Narcotics,
Green House Effect,
Mahool k Aalodgi,
Fosil Fuels,
Mashni Farming,
Jangli Hayat,
Abadi k Mahool Per Asarat,
Ozone and Global Warming
Now go over the minuses. They will be taught for a long time, at least 4 years. At the same time, 2 of them will be stuffed with generally non-specialized subjects, psychology, physical education and others. And only in the remaining time will real studies begin. Plus, all this can be fit into one hard year of self-study. Learning yourself, you can choose the languages of the frameworks and technologies that you will need. Better yet, get this knowledge while working in parallel, so you can save a couple of months on combat experience by getting all the knowledge in the field.
Higher education is expensive, very expensive. A more or less decent university asks for more than one hundred thousand per year of study. Well, if you were lucky to get on a budget, then everything is not going smoothly there either. Teachers will pull money from you because the university you are not very profitable to spend resources on you, so only the lazy will not kick you. And if you hit the target, as it is generally hanged, but this topic is for a separate article. Returning to self-training, the Internet is full of free courses of manuals and tutorials in Russian, and if you know English, then the global network is a treasure for you. Since almost all the top foreign universities post their lectures on the network absolutely free, take it and study.