Inter 1st 2nd Year Admission 2022 Rawalpindi Board

Inter 1st 2nd Year Admission 2022 Rawalpindi Board

Cold sweat, flat stomach, racing heart: the symptoms of fear are varied. Most students know the feeling of nervousness before exams. However, some suffer so much that they ultimately avoid exams altogether and endanger their academic careers. Those who are willing to admit their weakness can be helped. Anyways, we have gathered here for checking any kind of update related to Admissions by the institute. Which we have already shared above where you can check all the details including Merit Lists. When planning your time, remember to give yourself enough free time. Take regular breaks while studying to clear your head in between. The best thing to do is to incorporate them into your learning plan! During these breaks, you should consciously turn away from the material to be learned and really relax. You will see that after such breaks you continue to study much more motivated!

If you work effectively, you don’t have to study six hours a day. Pomodoro time management , for example, is a good technique for effective learning . Better plan a little too little than too much. Nobody likes to run with bad muscle soreness.

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Important aspects of your training: tips for increasing performance
Your learning plan only works as well as you implement it. There are a few things to consider.

1. Write a good transcript
Write down important information in the lectures and seminars. For professors who mainly use PowerPoint, it is worth writing down only additional information with a note on the slide number. If your professor is the personified Speedy Gonzalez, just write down keywords or open up with a laptop in the lecture.

2. Keep the exam phase free
The best thing to do is to register for ungraded lectures and additional services right at the beginning of the semester. So you don’t have to sacrifice valuable time later that you actually need to learn.

3. Write index cards from the start
Does it make sense to write index cards in certain subjects or are you more the handwritten-learning type? Then you should start writing index cards at the beginning of the lecture period. At best, you avoid the famous “writing nub” or tendonitis and don’t lose any unnecessary learning time shortly before the exams.

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We are also sharing with our students and users the admission links or their related information of all other boards of Pakistan in order to easiness for the students. So that they will get any study information of all Pakistan boards at on the single plateform. However we are sharing with you the admission links of all other boards in below:

Punjab Boards:

BISE Lahore Matric Admission & Lahore Board Inter Admission,

BISE Gujranwala Matric Admission & Gujranwala Board Inter Admission,

BISE Multan Matric Admission & Multan Board Inter Admission,

BISE Faisalabad Matric Admission & Faisalabad Board Inter Admission,

BISE Sargodha Matric Admission & Sargodha Board Inter Admission,

BISE Rawalpindi Matric Admission

BISE Bahawalpur Matric Admission & Bahawalpur Board Inter Admission,

BISE DG Khan Matric Admission & DG Khan Board Inter Admission,

BISE Sahiwal Matric Admission & Sahiwal Board Inter Admission,

FBISE Federal Board Matric Admission & FBISE Federal Board Inter Admission

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KPK Boards:

BISE Peshawar Matric Admission & Peshawar Board Inter Admission,

BISE Kohat Matric Admission & Kohat Board Inter Admission,

BISE Swat Matric Admission & Swat Board Inter Admission,

BISE Abbottabad Matric Admission & Abbottabad Board Inter Admission,

BISE Bannu Matric Admission & Bannu Board Inter Admission,

BISE Mardan Matric Admission & Mardan Board Inter Admission,

BISE DI Khan Matric Admission & DI Khan Board Inter Admission,

Sindh Boards:

BISE Karachi Matric Admission & Karachi Board Inter Admission,

BISE Sukkur Matric Admission & Sukkur Board Inter Admission,

BISE Hyderabad Matric Admission & Hyderabad Board Inter Admission,

BISE Larkana Matric Admission & Larkana Board Inter Admission,

BISE Agha Khan Matric Admission & Agha Khan Board Inter Admission,

Balochistan & AJK Boards:

BISE Quetta Matric Admission & Quetta Board Inter Admission,

BISE AJK Matric Admission & AJK Board Inter Admission


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