What is Idealism in Philosophy?

What is Idealism in Philosophy?

Idealism, in philosophy, any view that stresses the central role of the ideal or the spiritual in the interpretation of experience.



Free association in political communities and parties, holding rallies and demonstrations (it should be noted – peaceful rallies);
the right to elect others and to be elected oneself to state structures;
apply to political bodies with complaints, demands and proposals;
the right to participate in government activities (legal, judicial and executive).
Social rights – this includes everything that allows a citizen to have a decent standard of living:
health protection: medical insurance and services, the right to rest;
social security in the form of various benefits and pensions;
the right to personal housing (in our country, the state actively promotes the work of home developers).
Economic rights:
the right to personal property: an apartment, a car, a summer residence, land and other material values;
the right to inherit if other people wish to transfer their personal property to me;
the right to engage in work of one’s own choice and not to engage in work that one does not want. This includes a person’s right to private business (entrepreneurship).
Cultural rights and freedoms provide an individual with free spiritual development:
the right to receive free education (what is it?) ;
access to cultural and historical values;
participation in the cultural life of society through their own creativity;
free use of the products of scientific progress.

But it must be remembered that higher needs will not appear in a person if lower ones remain unsatisfied. Roughly speaking, you obviously cannot think about self-development and love on an empty stomach.

A. Maslow said that the higher “in rank” the needs experienced by an individual (what is this?) , The more active he is in society and the healthier his personality is in mental terms.

How reasonable is a person
You can consider yourself anyone you like – a monkey that climbed down from a tree, a soul living in a bodily shell, or a descendant of aliens, but one question remains open: is a person as intelligent as they write and say about it?

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