Skin Care Around the Eyes

According to advertising, the skin under the eyes needs special care, since this area is especially tender and prone to irritation. But is it really so? Let’s figure out when and to whom an eye cream is really needed.

The skin under the eyes is really different from any other on the body – here is the thinnest epidermis, the lipid layer is very thin, there are no sebaceous glands, there is little collagen and elastin, while a developed network of blood and lymphatic vessels. In the language of practice, this means that the skin under the eyes dries out more easily, it loses elasticity earlier and forms mimic wrinkles, pigmentation changes are more likely to appear here.

But the fact is that a regular moisturizer that suits the skin of the rest of the face will also cope with simpler tasks. And with more complex ones, for example, like the notorious bags, only one cream will never figure it out. Therefore, here are a few criteria for determining whether you need a separate jar of cream.

If you are young and your only problem is some dryness of the skin, use a regular nourishing cream with a light texture, without acids and retinoids.

The best remedy for changes in pigmentation of the skin around the eyes and photoaging is a protective sun cream. It is recommended to apply it necessarily, as well as on moles, fresh tattoos, ears. To avoid irritation around the eyes, choose a product without fragrances and organic filters.

Try to reduce the use of mattifying concealers and foundations – they all dry out the already dry area around the eyes.

If you are concerned about dark circles under the eyes, most likely you will have to approach the issue in a comprehensive manner. Choose an eye cream with components that help lighten pigmentation, but it is more important to reduce the amount of stress, improve sleep patterns, and quit smoking. Dark circles can also be a hereditary factor in skin aging due to the thinning of the lipid layer – in this case, in this area it is necessary to increase the density of adipose tissue. To do this, they resort to the procedure of lipolifting – transplantation of adipose tissue.

With the appearance of mimic wrinkles and uneven pigmentation, it is worth adding products that stimulate the production of collagen under the eyes, as well as light serums with collagen, peptides, antioxidants, and retinol.

Puffiness of the eyelids is another problem that has a lot of possible causes, none of which can be solved with a cream. All you can do is improve blood microcirculation in this area and improve lymph outflow. Products with arnica, centella, vitamins PP, K, C, placenta and caffeine will help you with this, as well as lymphatic drainage massage and cooling patches, products based on cucumber and aloe extract.

No greasy creams, they will only exacerbate the complexity of the outflow of lymph. And, of course, you need to look for the real cause of edema, it can be allergies, alcohol abuse, poor kidney function, or just a love of food that provokes water stagnation in the body.

In general, skin problems are never solved by creams alone, but they cope with some of their tasks: moisturize, prevent drying out, protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation, brighten, cool, and make a soft lifting. But you should not expect a magical effect from another jar on your shelf.

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