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Causes of Hair Loss and where is Myth & where is Reality

Causes of Hair Loss

Losing up to 100 hairs a day is a natural process. However, if the fallout becomes more significant, action must be taken.

According to statistics, every person at least once in his life is faced with hair loss. It is no wonder that there are many myths about the causes and solutions to such a common problem. We offer to figure out what really causes hair loss and where is the myth, and where is the reality.

You need to adjust your diet – the truth

Vitamins B and E (avocado, bran, seeds) are necessary for hair growth and strengthening. Hair is 97% keratin, a protein substance. To replenish its reserves, eat soy, cheese, dairy products. Banana contains biotin and silicon, which provide strength to curls and “awaken” dormant onions.

Baldness is an exclusively male problem – a myth

Indeed, in one or another period of life, 80% of the stronger sex faces hair loss. As a rule, the cause of the problem is the so-called androgenetic alopecia, caused by exposure to the hair follicles of male sex hormones. In this case, the hair falls out in the fronto-parietal region and on the top of the head. However, it is wrong to think that this trouble has passed for the beautiful half of humanity. Every fifth woman (ie 20%) suffers from hereditary baldness.

Is hair loss after childbirth true?

During pregnancy, the level of female hormones rises, so the hair becomes thicker. After childbirth, the endocrine background normalizes, the hair loses its “additional stimulus” and for some time falls out more strongly.

Hair loss is a hormonal problem – both true and myth

Hormonal disorders are a common, but by no means the only reason. Usually, endocrine-induced hair loss is combined with other signs: changes in body weight, emotional background (tearfulness, irritability). Other reasons include heredity, improper care (applying products for the ends to the hair roots, drying with hot air, etc.), beriberi, and even frequent stress. Only a doctor can figure out what exactly leads to thinning of the hair in each case.

Cut your hair short and your hair will become thick – myth

Even very long hair does not create a critical load on the hair follicles (namely, the density of the hair depends on their condition). But hard elastic bands, hairpins, as well as tight pigtails – yes.

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