How to Determine the Risk of Stroke on Fingers

How to Determine the Risk of Stroke

Hypertension is known to cause stroke. This condition is important to recognize in time. More about this – in the article.

Many factors influence the development of hypertension. This is heredity, and the state of the environment, and the age of a person, and his lifestyle, etc. In addition, it is known that high blood pressure leads to a stroke. This condition can be recognized by three signs associated with the fingers.

Decreased mobility of the fingers . Among the symptoms of a stroke are stiffness of the fingers and severe whitening of their pads. This indicates that the blood circulation in the body is disturbed.

Bloating on the fingers of the blood vessels . With hypertension, the vessels on the fingers may temporarily swell, so you need to carefully monitor this sign. So it will be possible to recognize the blockage of blood vessels in time.
Finger numbness . If it happens often and does not go away for a long time, you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary examinations.

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