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Write Short Note on Blood Transfusion

10th biology notes

Short Note on Blood Transfusion


  1. i) Koral Landsteiner, a well known immunologist and pathologist started the method of blood transfusion.


  1. ii) He came to know why this process is successful or not.


iii) He found that in some RBC clumped together and in some they are not.


  1. iv) This provided an insight in the determination of blood groups.


  1. v) Nowadays blood transfusion is common medical practice.


Note: Write down lectures and seminars on the recorder – so you can work them at home, being in quiet conditions and having the opportunity at any time to unwind the record back. It helps a lot if you do not have time for a lecturer or you want to make a more accurate summary. Do not be afraid to make mistakes – it is better to focus not on mistakes, but on successes. Encourage yourself to achieve your goals, even if they seem insignificant. Entering the university and moving to another country, you have already achieved one goal. Yes, to study in an unfamiliar city, in a foreign language, to get used to living without family and friends – at first all this frightens. But do not cling to this fear – it’s better to cling to new opportunities and, of course, do not forget that you’re a student. And students should have fun!

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