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All the World’s a Stage Reference to Context

BA English Poem All The World's A Stage

All the World’s a Stage Reference to Context




These lines have been taken from the poem “All the World’s a Stage” written by William Shakespeare.




This sonnet of Shakespeare is from his famous play “As You Like It”. This poem describes various stages of human life. Life has been compared to a play or drama played by every man and woman on the stage of the world. His seven stages of life are the seven acts of a play. This shows Shakespeare’s deep knowledge and transience of human life.

Note: Secondary vocational education (ACT) is also implemented in two main programs – basic and advanced. Former ninth-graders study three to four years, eleventh-graders – two or three years. In college for two or three years you can learn design, management, construction and other specialties. You can immediately apply your knowledge in practice, because in the college they give only what is useful at work – practical advice and a basic course. The need to continue education and admission to college after college – this decision can already be taken by a person who knows exactly what he needs and how to achieve it. The term refers to the educational process that comes after the secondary level. At the end of this phase, the student receives the title and document certifying that he has reached a certain level of knowledge in this field. It is usually necessary to have a suitable age, level of knowledge and financial opportunity to be able to study in higher education.

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