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What are the Advantages of Bacteria

10th biology notes

Advantages of Bacteria


  1. i) Bacteria help to decompose the dead remains of organisms.


  1. ii) Bacteria can add nitrogenous compounds in soil. In this way they improve the fertility of soil.


iii) Some bacteria are used in manufacturing butter, cheese and yogurt.


  1. iv) Some bacteria are used in fibers, leather, coffee and tobacco industry.


  1. v) Some bacteria synthesize vitamin B and K in large intestine.


  1. vi) Some bacteria are also used as bio-insecticides.


vii) Many bacteria are used to prepare antibiotics and vaccines.


Note: Many extramural students combine their studies and work activities and do not have the opportunity to pursue excellent grades in their credits. They are more important than the acquired knowledge, not points. On the positive side of correspondence education, many people consider the opportunity to combine study and work. This unconditional plus distance learning, despite the positive qualities, has its pitfalls. Work often takes up most of the time, especially if it is associated with creativity. Often students, for example, journalistic faculty and work in the field of journalism. And this means that work and study require a huge investment of forces and time. Not everyone can combine and organize their day so that not a single sphere is affected. This is difficult, but there are still advantages. The future specialist already has experience, is gaining experience in the chosen profession, is practicing at his workplace (for this it is only necessary to coordinate with the immediate boss), among other things it is of no small importance.

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