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What are Nitrifying Bacteria

10th biology notes

What are Nitrifying Bacteria


These are the bacteria, which convert ammonia into nitrates and then to nitrates, enhancing the amount of nitrogen in the soil.


Note: Unfortunately, because of the commercial relations that invaded the sphere of education, both in official and unofficial form, the value of the diploma of higher education fell simply devilishly low. And the “full-time” diploma if it continues to be quoted above the “absentee”, it is only because today’s employers remember the old traditions of education, and with today they are actually not familiar. As for the direct answer to the question. For a student, the pros and cons of full-time and correspondence education are the following. If the home budget does not pull the continuation of your school carefree youth. there is a basic income that allows you to lead an independent life (yes, excellent, if indeed there really is); you already have work experience in this specialty (if any), you already almost all represent and understand better than the excellent students diaries.

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