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Urdu Guess Paper 9th Class for Nazam & Gazals


Urdu Guess Paper 9th Class

Nazam & Gazals

Nazam :

Barsat ki Baharen,
Pevasta Reh Shajar Se

Gazal :


Speaking about higher education and education in general, it is important to understand that it does not guarantee absolutely nothing. This is simply the level of education and / or qualification / specialty that you can somehow dispose of. A diploma can lie uselessly for a day, a couple of years, and only then come in handy, and it can lie useless all my life. In this case, it is a matter of self-actualization. But also do not forget that a higher education that has not been received may in the future cost the loss of a higher position or, on the contrary, deprive other opportunities because of the money and time spent. Higher education is not a guarantee of future success and I cannot say for sure whether I need to get it or not. Undoubtedly, this is a personal question of each person. In modern Russia, society has been brought to a state where acquaintances and seniority are much more important, and education is already a question for the most part of the checkmark that is provided during employment.

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