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Urdu 10th Matric Class Guess Paper 2021

Urdu Guess Paper

Urdu 10th Class Guess Paper


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Urdu Kholasa Guess Papers

– Huge time consuming. 4-5 years every day for several hours. Can not argue with that. This is probably the main drawback of the “tower”. Time is a valuable and irreplaceable resource. Personally, I believe that higher education is given too early. At the age of 17-18, a personality has not yet been formed, vital interests have not been determined, and the choice of education is not conscious, but under external pressure. As they joke, for girls the university deciphers how to “marry successfully,” and for young people – “the opportunity to evade shaving.” After this, it is not surprising that graduates consider the “tower” lost time.

The best option would be to make a higher education with qualifications, like an MBA. Do not accept students with less than 3 years of experience in the university. Specialty training – either at work, or short courses. Anyway, no matter what university a student graduates from, they won’t take him to a serious position, and you can perform the duties of a lower level without a “tower”. But those who go to higher education will know exactly why they get it.

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