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What is Spectrum of Light Definition

Class 10 Physics Chapter 14 Notes pdf

What is Spectrum of Light


After the dispersion of light or any electromagnetic wave, a band of colors is formed, which is known as spectrum.


Note: It is interesting that the full-time form of training presupposes the availability of budgetary places and the payment of scholarships to state employees, and absenteeism – almost never. Another difference between full-time and correspondence education is that correspondence education does not give reasons for postponing to the army. It is believed that some specialties, such as translation, can not be mastered by studying, since the study of foreign languages ​​requires constant practice and honing of skills, so many universities do not have a correspondence department for language specialties. Distance education allows people to engage in parallel several activities, which is very difficult when full-time education. Full-time students have many times more chances to study for free, but in general the part-time form of education is cheaper; Some specialties, for example, medical or linguistic practically are not represented in the correspondence form.

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