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What is Sound in Physics Definition

Class 10 Physics Chapter 10 Notes pdf

Definition of Sound in Physics


A vibration transmitted by air or other medium in the form of alternate compressions and rare factions of the medium is known as Sound.



Production of Sound:


Sound is produced by a vibrating body like a drum, bell, etc, when a body vibrates.


Note: The very absence of a desire to learn, of course, is not so terrible. You can always find a job where no knowledge is needed. It’s quite another thing that is terrible – when a person does not learn, this process is replaced by something. The study, according to its official definition, is a systematic process of obtaining new knowledge. We emphasize here the word “systematic”. When a person learns something, then he does not throw his attention and efforts to the right and left, that is, focuses on something. Students especially understand this, because when the course should be written for 2 days, or even for a night, then nothing else to pay attention simply will not work. Today the student has a “rich dad”, and tomorrow the business has collapsed, the state has disappeared, some reforms or other radical changes and everything, the secured future has evaporated. So count on the money of parents, imagining a comfortable life for the rest of the day, at least unreasonable. Counting in this life you need first of all for yourself! In general, it turns out that the second reason is a kind of continuation of the first – the lack of desire for learning. Everything is based on it.

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