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What is Rest Position in Physics

Class 10 Physics Chapter 4 Notes pdf

Rest Position in Physics



When a body does not change its position with respect to its surrounding so the body is said to be in the state of rest.



A book is laying on the table, A person is standing on floor, A tree in the garden.


Note: The effectiveness of distance learning is expressed most often in the free opportunity to combine learning with work. After all, as a rule, it is very important for a student that his professional activities are not interrupted. If the training does not take too much time, it is not too time consuming, then the majority of working students will be able to characterize it as effective. Today, graduates who study remotely, appreciate the prestige of the profession they received. Sometimes they too will experience difficulties, but they are also the most successful and better adapted in the professional sphere. Along with the introduction of distance learning, the qualitative characteristics of specialists increase, which differ only in positive features: rapid adaptation in the team, self-confidence and self-reliance, self-education. Its essence lies in the fact that in interpersonal communication the process of information exchange becomes more complicated and the problem arises of the appearance of a communicative barrier. If this happens, the information is submitted in a distorted form, which leads to the threat that the cognitive barrier grows into a barrier of relations, which turns into a feeling of distrust and hostility towards the information and its source.

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