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What is the Relation between Respiration and Photosynthesis

10th biology notes

Relation between Respiration and Photosynthesis


In daytime the plants takes in carbon dioxide and expel out oxygen. The process of photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts whereas the process of respiration takes place in cytoplasm and mitochondria.



Note: Absence of competitiveness and development of leadership qualities , which are extremely important for the further activity of each person. They are manifested only when working in a team, and where else can they come from? Inability to work in a team . The child simply will not have such a concept. He will get used to extract knowledge and display them separately and this will entail the development of selfishness. This trait will be reflected not only in studies, but also in relations with the family. Finding the pros and cons of individual learning in school can be very long, but what is important to one person does not necessarily have so much importance for another. Perhaps, as a temporary measure, such training will have a greater result than with a constant practice. But this applies to ordinary children. There are circumstances in which a child, for certain reasons, can not receive education by visiting classes. For example, problems with health. In this case, private lessons are a wonderful opportunity for development and manifestation of potential.

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