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The Rain Poem by WH Davies Summary

1st Year English Poems Notes pdf

The Rain Poem Summary


The poet hears the noise of the rain on leaves of trees. The leaves on top are fully drenched with water, and the water falls drop after drop creating a musical sound. But this water creates disturbance for the poor taking shelter under the tree. They have to suffer wet cold weather.


When the Sun appears after the rain, the streamers of its light brighten the rain drops and lend them different colours. The poet is hopeful to see everyone enjoying the lovely sunshine after the stopping of the rain.

Note: It is clear that modern education is a rather complex system aimed at comprehensive development and education of the child. Maybe it’s good: a schoolboy will learn to live in our diverse world with his rabid pace of life. But the main thing is that our children would not break down under the “weight” of this all-round development. We, the parents, can no longer stand it. The International Commission on Education, Science and Culture at the United Nations proclaimed two main principles of modern education: “education for all” and “education through life.” In the correctness of this approach to the construction of the education system, no one, of course, doubts. But from the point of view of today’s Russian realities, a number of problems arise.

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