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Patriot into Traitor Poem Summary

BA English Poem Patriot Into Traitor

Patriot into Traitor Summary


In this dramatic monologue, Robert Browning describes the rise and fall of a political leader. Not only the rise but also the fall is sudden and quick. The poem has a special relevance to the political conditions prevailing in the third world countries today.


The poet says that in the early part of the life of a political leader, success appears to be on his side. People loved him and adorned his way with petals of roses mixed with other flowers. They welcomed him from the house-tops with flags and it was only a year ago. The bells rang for him and there were crowd and cries everywhere (even in churches).


The leader said that if he uttered to the people that he disliked the mere noises and the sun might be brought also from the sky on earth, the people would say what the next order to comply with. Instead he himself jumped at the sun to bring it on the earth for the people. He remained unsuccessful because no human being could achieve like that. But he, the leader was not given the reward. He could get nothing except being branded as traitor.


Now an year has lapsed. There is nobody on the house-tops to welcome him. The leader is walking while it is raining. A tight rope is cutting his both wrists. His forehead is bleeding. People who greeted him with open arms just an year ago, are now, pelting stones on him and condemning him for his misdeeds.


The fallen leader concludes that his entrance into the political life was a success. But his end is by no means praiseworthy. He says that he has paid what he owned to the people. Now, he will be rewarded by God in the life hereafter.


The poet wants to make it clear that in third world countries democracy and democratic traditions are not still deep rooted. Democratic tolerance is not present. Therefore the political leaders have to meet such circumstances. The poem contains a lesson for the people of third world countries. It is the lesson of steadfastness and tolerance in social as well as political life.


Dramatic irony, political satire exact and realistic expression and optimistic end have made the poem a remarkable piece of poetic art.

Note: It is not necessary for everyone to work with the same material equally deeply. For example, you are studying some historical period. There is a minimum – a certain set of dates, names and facts – which all students need to know. Further, depending on interests and preferences, each of the students can study in detail one area, for example, music, literature or medical discoveries of that era. After studying the topic, you can conduct a test, checking, whether the students have learned the necessary minimum. Further, in order to demonstrate their knowledge, students can create a presentation, an interactive poster, an animated video, a digital story, an intelligence map or info-graphic to tell what they studied in addition. Technology allows students to learn how to work independently. When students watch and outline training videos, they begin to understand exactly how they learn best. They do not need to wait until the material is distributed in the classroom, as everything can be downloaded from the cloud storage or LMS at any time. Students create their own teaching materials. In the process of independent work, students acquire valuable skills that will be useful to them for learning in the future. The world is becoming more and more information saturated, and changing all the faster, which means that they will have to learn and re-learn all their lives. The sooner they learn how to do it effectively, the better.

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