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The Oyster and the Pearl Play Questions Answers

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The Oyster and the Pearl Questions


Q1. Do you think that it is right to allow Clay to believe that there is a pearl in the oyster? Elaborate.


Ans. Clay wants 300 dollars to get his father back home and desires to buy some present for his mother. He wishes to see family united and regain the lost happiness, as his father left them for unknown place, owing to everyday disputes. Clay plans to search for his father but he lacks money for this purpose. He has associated all of his hopes with the oyster and the pearl. The oyster, however, symbolises the obstacles and the pearl is hope. Moreover, when he comes by an oyster on the sea shore he becomes happy and optimistic.

He is confident to find pearl in the oyster, even there was none. Everyone except Harry tells him that there is nothing inside of the oyster. Harry agrees with Clay only because he wants to make him happy. The writer understands the circumstances, pays 300 dollars to Clay to help him and saves him from being disappointed and disillusioned. However, it is wise decision on the part of the Harry Van Dusen and the writer not to disappoint the innocent boys, who is living in the world of harmless dreams through self-sacrifice.



Q2. Why does the writer willing to buy the pearl? What does he mean by saying: As far as I am concerned the whole thing is a pearls?


Ans. During the discussion regarding, the oyster and the pearl, the writer was present in Harry‟s shop for hair-cut. Like other people of the town, he knew that there was no pearl in the oyster and that one out thousand carried the pearl, it was few and far between. Though he was certain that he would not be getting anything from the worthless /ordinary oyster, yet he bought it for 300 dollars to help the poor Clay indirectly. Moreover, he did not want to shatter the innocent boy‟s dreams and hopes of bringing in happiness.



Q3.What was Harry’s philosophy? What is your opinion about it?


Ans. Life is a pendulum between smiles and tears. To love and to be loved is the greatest existence of human life. Cheerful life is always based on self-sacrifice, humanity, patience, tolerance and fraternity. Harry‟s philosophy is to take it easy and relax; consequently, the life will be happy and serene. He tries to propagate his philosophy by talking to people, when he is cutting hair. It is almost as if the haircuts were just a way of getting people in his shop to talk.

The name of the town is O.K.-by-the-sea, which symbolises that life isn’t perfect but by taking it easy, it can be more fun. He knows that the people are living a very miserable and hectic life without any sympathy or helping hand. All the town people are preoccupied by the cares of chaotic life. There is no way out for them, they can neither laugh nor weep. However, Harry‟s philosophy makes them hopeful and happy. He tries to free the town people from their worries, particularly in the case of Clay, who wants money to get his father back home and to buy gifts for his mother.

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