The Origin of Laylat al-Qadr

Regarding this night, in a Hadith reported by Anas (rdiyallahu anhu) in al-Dur al-Manthur, Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said: “ ” Laylatal qadr was granted to this ummah (of mine) and not to any other ummah before this.

As regards the reason for the granting of laylatal qadr , various views are held. According to some Hadiths. one reason is given thus: Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to ponder over the longer lives of people of the past ages and, when comparing them with the much shorter his ummah, he became very sad, complete with people before them, then because of their shorter lives, it would be impossible for them to do anything.

Therefore, Allah ta’ala, in His infinite mercy granted them this night of great blessings. This means that if any fortunate person of this ummah during his life-time spends ten such nights in the worship of his Creator he would have gotten the reward of worship of the Allah for the eight hundred and thirty years and even more.

Another report of the states that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), related to the sahabah the story of a very righteous man from among the Bani Isra’il, who spent one thousand months in Jihad. on hearing his, the sahabah felt that they could not attain the same reward, whereupon Allah Ta’ala granted them this night.

Still another report of the states. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) once spoke of four anbiya from among the Bani Isra’il, each of whom spent eighty years in Allah Ta’ala’s sincere worship and not disobeying in the least. They were Nabi Ayyub, Zakariyya, Ezekiel and Yusha (“alayhimussalam”). The Sahabah heard this, wondering how to copy their achievements. Then the angel Jibra’il (alayhissalam) appeared and recited Surah qadr as the blessings of this particular night were revealed.

There are other reports too, explaining the origin of the laylat al-Qadr. But, no mater of which we accept, the important fact remains that Allah Ta’ala has been granted this night, as a great favor, and how fortunate are those divines who have never missed worship in this night.

As to which particular night it is, here again. It is not easy for me to enumerate them all. Because of the Quran itself, we have commemorated with a short commentary of Surah al-Qadr.

We have this revealed in the past (Quran was copied from its original and Quran).
brought down to the first sky., in the very next ayah, by way of incresing our interest in the matter of matter under discussion, a question is asked:
And what will explain to you what laylat al-qadr (al-qadr 2).
In other words, the question asked here is: Have you any knowledge of what is to the greatness and importance of this night? proceeds to explain its greatness:
Laylat al-qadr is better than a thousand months (al-qadr 3).
Therein come down the angels and the spirit (souls) with Allah Ta’ala’s permission, on every errand (al-qadr 4)
By Allah’s permission, come down on the earth for blessed tasks (al-qadr 5)


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