Line Served

One Art by Elizabeth Bishop Reference to Context

BA English Poem One Art

One Art by Elizabeth Reference to Context




These lines have been taken from the poem “One Art” written by Elizabeth Bishop.




In this poem the poetess wants to teach us that the art of losing things is necessary to lead a pleasant life. We should not bother, whether things are lost or snatched from us. The loss of door-keys or some other possession should be accepted as a part of life. No loss should disturb us, we should take our defeats and losses lightly.

Note: Do not be afraid to ask questions. It is impossible to know everything, especially in such a rapidly changing sphere as IT, so do not hesitate to ask for help from colleagues, friends and students. The only wrong question in this case is the one that was not asked. There are a lot of people who are always ready to help you. Do not be afraid to experiment. The only way to better master technology is to constantly try something new. If you are interested in a program, do not wait for training and training. Create an account, log in, read the instructions, see the introductory video tutorials, and start working. Small victories can inspire us with greater self-confidence. Therefore, to begin with, select a tool that is easy to use, and mastering it does not take you much effort and time, for example, creating a QR code   or a simple intelligence card.

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