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New Year Resolution Poem by Elizabeth Sewell Reference to Context

BA English Poem New Year Resolution

Sewell Reference to Context of New Year Resolution Poem




These lines have been taken from the poem “New Year Resolutions”, written by Elizabeth Sewell.




This poem is about the New Year resolutions and promises. Another year has lapsed. On the start of the new year, the poetess takes stock of herself very realistically. She tries to make this world a better place by making new pledges. Her un-traditional resolution is to face and lie with reality.


Note: Opportunities for teachers should must have in an institute:

saving precious time of the lesson, which the teacher usually spends on visual explanation of the material, Allows teachers to explain new material from anywhere in the class, creates a certain flexibility, allowing teachers to draw and record on top of any applications and web resources, allows teachers to save and print images on the board, including any records made during the lesson, without spending much time and effort, and also simplifying the verification of the acquired material, allows you to use a variety of learning styles, teachers can access all sorts of resources, adapting to specific needs, allows you to easily move from demonstration mode to recording mode on the board, while retaining both of these materials, as well as the ability to replay it in any sequence in the lesson, allows teachers to reuse the created materials and share them with each other, the possibilities of the board as a visual aid of a qualitatively new level with the possibilities of animation and animation allow to increase students’ interest in the material under consideration, the use of an interactive whiteboard makes it possible to create a problem situation and the ability to resolve it by performing virtual laboratory experiments, mini-studies, inspires the search for new approaches to learning, stimulates professional growth.

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