Islami Adab (Islamic Manners for Children) By Maulana Ashiq Elahi
These manners cover even the slightest acts, such as eating, drinking, sleeping, walking, meeting or other people (salam) and the posture of sitting and cleaning one’s self.
This book is a brief introduction on the Manners of Islam, in which the author has been selected by Hadiths on the manners of Islam in Urdu language. the Hadiths cited in this book are either authentic. This book is a reminder for those beloved brothers and sisters who disregard these etiquettes and misinterpret them. In compiling this, we hope to remind them of these manners. We do not claim to be better or less in need of practicing these manners; but, it is the duty of enjoining good and forbidding evil and observing the order of Allah ‘
May Allah Ta’ala May Allah Ta’ala reminders and make of this of benefit to myself and the readers of this book. May Allah Ta’ala protect and guide us in this life and in the hereafter. Download in pdf format to read offline.