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The Importance of Pollination in Agriculture

10th biology notes

Importance of Pollination in Agriculture


Most of the plants used in agriculture are flowering plants. Pollination leads to fertilization forming seeds and fruits, which are used as food by us and other animals. If the process of pollination damaged by insecticides than fruit and seed formation in plants also affect badly


Note: Third: students studying at the full-time department, peers who also do not have experience in the work. Being an extramural student you can get to know in your stream with more experienced people who have worked for many years and can help with advice. Fourth: in day time there is often a restriction on the age of applicants. For correspondence students everything is much easier. In one stream, there may be twenty-year-olds and forty-year-old students. The disadvantages of the correspondence department are a little less, but they do exist. The first negative: being a working person, the correspondence student will have to fill the gaps in his knowledge independently, unlike the full-time employees. Therefore it is very important not to lose the positive attitude, but to spend a lot of time and effort, but to achieve the result. The second minus: fans are famous for their parties in the hostel, when friends meet for any occasion and have fun. Unfortunately, the correspondence students are deprived of such events in their student life.

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