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Guess Papers For Class 9th Computer Science

Computer Science Guess Paper

Short Question


– With education it’s easier to get a good job. That’s right. When placing a vacancy, the personnel department may even immediately screen out candidates without a “tower” if the competition is large. And in the audit “Big Four”, not all universities are also listed. Large international companies have a ceiling that cannot be overcome without an MBA. However, with a long career, the importance of education falls, and experience and professional achievements come to the fore.

– Education broadens the mind. You get a lot of knowledge from different areas and become an interesting conversationalist. A very controversial argument. In my experience, the most interesting interlocutors are people who are passionate about something, and it does not matter what kind of education they received. I’m much more interested in talking with a traveler who graduated from elementary school than with a top manager with a tower whose interests are limited to a career and the acquisition of consumer goods.

– Education provides specialized knowledge. True, but with reservations. I wouldn’t want the doctor who studied the video course “How to Become a Surgeon in 21 Days” Removed Appendicitis from Me. Or that an architect draws my house, learning how to create models in 3D-max. But, as you know, the list of such professions is very small.

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